On Sundays, we have what we call "Sunday FunDay" here at Casa de Hazaleus. We wake up, go to church, watch hunting shows, and eat "snacks" for lunch and dinner. Whether it be Jeff's amazing smoked salmon with crackers, crab dip and crackers, buffalo wings, guacamole ... it's Shaelynn's favorite day of the week. I remember doing this when I was younger and still living at home, having "Coffee Table Night", where we would pile finger foods on the coffee table for dinner.
Well, yesterday in church was a big day. It was the first time that a)we got to tell everyone about the upcoming baby and b) the first time Shae opted to stay with us in regular service rather than going into Children's Church.
Pastor Terry started the message telling us about his night with no electricity. He said you don't realize how spoiled you are using clocks, cell phones, microwaves, coffee pots, etc. until you cannot use them. Shaelynn leaned over to her dad and said "I get it! Without God, we have no power!" ... even a 6 year old gets it. Best. Day. Ever.
We have had a lot of great successes in our lives. Healthy children, great career, my amazing little soap company and dog grooming business, a beautiful home .... countless blessings. And it was all due to us giving the power over to God. We know it can all be taken away in an instant. We know we didn't get ourselves to this position. Heck, we know that we didn't even find each other ... it was all God's doing.
Pastor then said we should "Let the fragrance of our prayers rise to the heavens". This touched me. Several times I have made it a point not to ask for anything when I pray. God knows what I truly need, and he knows who and what is laying heavy on my heart, so I don't really NEED to ask him for anything. So, here is my challenge to all of you....
Pray without asking for anything. Simply give thanks for everything you have, and everything the Lord has done in your life. You will have such a different outlook on things if you take time to appreciate what has been given you.
Beautifully said! I love the simplicity-"Pray without asking for anything." We absolutely need to stop on occasion and just offer up prayers of THANKS! wendylynn